Ten Things I Love about Sharks [7]

“Diving with sharks is an unforgettable experience.”

I can still remember the first time I stuck my head in the water and saw a reef shark gliding by right under my fins. At first I gasped, and then all I could do was stare at the graceful animal swimming by without paying any attention to me whatsoever. As most divers that have had the experience will tell you: diving with sharks is an unforgettable experience. The thrill of going underwater and literally submerging yourself in their world is something that cannot be imitated by any other experience.

On the windward Caribbean islands, you have a pretty good chance to encounter a shark when diving. The local dive masters usually know where to spot them and how to take you there. Diving with sharks does not have to be dangerous at all. Sharks are usually very cautious and do not tend to get real close. As long as you follow the proper guidelines for responsible shark diving, you should be more than okay and I can definitely recommend the experience to any diving enthusiast.



Missed the previous posts of this series?

Ten things I Love about Sharks [1]
Ten things I Love about Sharks [2]
Ten things I Love about Sharks [3]
Ten things I Love about Sharks [4]
Ten things I Love about Sharks [5]
Ten things I Love about Sharks [6]

By Linda Planthof